Cover-More Blue Insurance Services Limited
Cover-More Blue Insurance Services Limited
Cover-More Blue Insurance Services Limited
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Lloyd’s Insurance Company Claims

Welcome to the Online Claims Notification Portal for policyholders underwritten by Lloyd’s Insurance Company

Please read through the Important Notice below before proceeding with your claim to ensure you have the required documentation to hand.

Important Notice

Before proceeding with your claim, please ensure that you have the following documentation to hand in a digital format ready for upload:

Copy of Vehicle Rental Agreement

Copy of your Rental Company’s Damage Report

Copy of invoices and receipts confirming any amount you paid in respect to your claim

Copy of Credit Card statement showing proof of payment for the damages being claimed.

Copy of Police Report (usually only applies if involved in a serious incident or if the vehicle was stolen)

Note: If you don't have any of the below documentation to hand or it's not in the correct format, you can still submit your claim online and provide the supporting documentation via post or at a later date.

Claims Process


Have to hand all the documentation listed above.


Choose 'Start your online claim' - you'll then be directed to the claims portal and asked for details about your policy and your rental.


Your claim will be reviewed and processed by a claims handler.


A decision is made on your claim.


If successful, payment is made straight to your bank account.

Insurer details

Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A. is a Belgian limited liability company (société anonyme / naamloze vennootschap) with its registered office at Bastion Tower, Marsveldplein 5, 1050 Brussels, Belgium and registered with Banque Carrefour des Entreprises / Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen under number 682.594.839 RLE (Brussels). It is an insurance company subject to the supervision of the National Bank of Belgium. Its Firm Reference Number(s) and other details can be found on